Guidelines for sm​A​R​T​ ​funding

Thank you for your interest in arts funding for your students. The following is information intended to help you craft a request for funding on the sm​A​R​T ​​application found on our website.

There will be an allocation of up to $4000 per school year. Funding levels are between $500 and $1000 dollars per request. This will allow for 4-8 funded requests per year. A presentation will be made in May and again in August at each school to present the opportunity and answer questions (when allowed due to COVID).

Application deadline:​ ​09/30 each year​

​Funding evaluation:​ ​11/01 each year

A committee will evaluate requests. Requests will be funded based on merit and not per school. The project/activity must be completed by ​05/01​ each school year. Follow up for accountability must be received by ​05/30​ each school year. Follow up must be received for requesting teacher to be considered for a subsequent request.

If you have questions, please call Lesia Cockerham at 336-999-4496

We look forward to serving our schools by providing requests for funding.

The Alleghany Arts Council

Requests will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. How will this project/activity bring art to students and/or the community?
  2. What is the expected impact for the identified group?
  3. How many people will this opportunity reach?
  4. What is the lasting impact?
  5. Does the project focus on 1 or multiple art forms?
  6. Does this request foster diversity? (Will not award/deny based on this but could​ ​influence committee)
  7. How does this broaden a student’s understanding of art, self or society?
  8. What follow up will be provided?
  9. How will documentation be provided? ​( pictures, produced results, report, invitation to event/project?)
  10. Can the project be completed on designated timeline?

Alleghany Arts Council

Welcome to the Alleghany Arts Council! We're a group dedicated to supporting and promoting the arts in Alleghany County, North Carolina. We've got a lot going on - sign up for our mailing list or check our website often to stay up to date! 

Alleghany Arts Council • PO Box 962 • Sparta, NC 28675

The Alleghany Arts Council is committed to providing access to events for every segment of our community and audience. If you have questions about accessibility to any of our events please click here to email us.

Give a little. Share a lot.

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